
I have defined my new Solr RequestHandler plugin like this in SolrConfig.xml

<requestHandler name="/myendpoint" class="com.abc.MyRequestPlugin">

And its working fine.

Now I want to do some custom processing from my this plugin by making a
search query to regular '/select' handler.
 <requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler">

And then receive the results back from '/select' handler and perform some
custom processing on those results and send the response back to my custom
"/myendpoint" handler.

And for this I need help on how to make a call to '/select' handler from
within the .MyRequestPlugin class and perform some calculation on the

I also need some help on how to debug my plugin ? As its .jar is been
deployed to solr_hom/lib ... how can I attach my plugin's code in eclipse
to Solr process so I could debug it when user will send request to my


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