Hi All, I'm running SOLR 4.0 on a Linux machine with around 30GB RAM. I've 2 
cores running under solr as belowCore AA: around 30 GB data , segments count = 
30Core BB: around 216 GB data, segments count=300
Solr is running through jetty and I've allocated max of 12GB heap memory 
through java like: java -Xms4GB -Xmx12GB
Note that, I've another Java based application which keeps feeding new data to 
SOLR index even while running the following optimizes. I noticed that solr 
queries were running slow and thought of running an optimize. So from the SOLR 
web admin, I clicked the optimize button for core AA, and after some time[30-40 
mins] I saw that the segments count was reduced to 1, indicating it got 
optimized. Next, I ran the same thing for the other core BB, the segments count 
kept increasing and I thought it would be good to shutdown the application 
which is feeding data to this index, and by the time I closed this application, 
segment count has reached to a very high value ~7200. And I think it stopped 
optimizing the indices, because I see 2 red circles next to "optimized" and 
"Current" and clicking on the Optimize button is not doing anything[Generally 
the small circle in optimize button keeps moving till the index gets fully 
optimized, which I didn't notice while optimizing Core BB]. One thing I noticed 
is the total index size remained at around 202GB after reaching this high 
segment count unlike the core AA, where during optimization the index size 
increased to around 59GB and then reduced to 30GB and I saw 2 tick marks next 
to "optimized"  and "Current" . Since this is a production/live machine, I am a 
bit concerned and don't want to lose any data or end up with corrupt index. 
Should I just restart SOLR[its running through jetty]? Or any other step? 
Please advise on what's the right/optimum step which also ensures that the core 
BB gets optimized and I don't lose any data or index corruption occurs. I am 
bit worried, please help. Thanks in advance.
Find attached the screenshot from SOLR admin pages for both Core AA and core 
BB, showing the segments count & index size.
Thanks again,DK                                           

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