Thank you,
problem solved!

On 13.07.2013 12:16, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:

Does the same happen if you use +*foo* +*bar* syntax?

If such queries turn out to be too slow, consider indexing ngrams.

Solr & ElasticSearch Support --
Performance Monitoring --

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 5:40 AM, Stavros Delisavas <> wrote:
Hello Solr-Community,
I am having some strange behavior that I don't understand. I hope you can
help. I try to query/search for two words. For example "(*foo* AND *bar*)
What I want is to get all entries that contain the string foo AND contain
the word bar. What I get is all entries that contain foo OR contain bar.
But I want entries that contain BOTH words.
like: "foobar 123", "bla foo bla bar", "blafoobla bar", etc

What do I have to change in my query to get the desired result?

Thank you!

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