Not quite sure what you mean here, a couple of examples would help.

But since the term is using keyword tokenizer, then each thing you get
back is a complete term, by definition. So I'm not quite sure what you're
asking here.....


On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 4:48 AM, Lochschmied, Alexander
<> wrote:
> Hi Solr people!
> We need to suggest part numbers in alphabetically order adding up to four 
> characters to the already entered part number prefix. That works quite well 
> with terms component acting on a multivalued field with keyword tokenizer and 
> edge nGram filter. I am mentioning "part numbers" to indicate that each item 
> in the multivalued field is a string without whitespace and where special 
> characters like dashes cannot be seen as separators.
> Is there a way to know if the term (the suggestion) represents such a 
> complete part number (without doing another query for each suggestion)?
> Since we are using SolJ, what we would need is something like
>         boolean Term.isRepresentingCompleteFieldValue()
> Thanks,
> Alexander

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