Wait, you can't do this. You're changing the number
of shards? Your original startup specified a single shard,
bringing up another node and calling it "shard2" isn't

If you'd brought up a single shard while telling SolrCloud that
there were 2 shards, you shouldn't have been able to index

So what are you trying to do? Create your cluster with the
number of shards you intend it to have. Or split shards. Or
something, but just bringing up a second node and calling
it "shard2" isn't supported.


On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 7:43 AM, Evgeny Salnikov <evg...@salnikoff.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> To repeat the problem, do the following
> 1. Start a node1 of SolrCloud (4.3.1 default configs) (java
> -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf
> -DzkRun -jar start.jar)
> 2. Import to collection1 -> shard1 some data
> 3. Try group.query e.g.
> http://node1:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=*:*&group=true&group.query=someFiled:someValue.
> it is important to have hit on index data.
> 4. The result is, there is no error
> 5. Start a node2 of SolrCloud (java -Djetty.port=7574
> -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar)
> 6. On node2 add new core for collection1 -> shard2. Default core
> "collection1" unload. We have one collection over two shard. Shard1 - have
> data, shard2 - no data.
> 7. Again try group.query
> http://node1:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=*:*&group=true&group.query=someFiled:someValue
> .
> 8. Error: shard 0 did not set sort field values (FieldDoc.fields is null);
> you must pass fillFields=true to IndexSearcher.search on each shard
> How i can set "fillFields=true to IndexSearcher.search" ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Evgeny

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