I want to script the creation of N solr cloud instances (on ec2).

But its not clear to me where I would specify numShards setting.
>From documentation, I see you can specify on the "first node" you start up, OR 
>alternatively, use the "collections" API to create a new collection - but in 
>that case you need first at least one running SOLR instance.  I want to push 
>all solr instances with similar configuration onto N instances and just run 
>them with some number of shards pre-set somehow.  Where can I put numShards 
>configuration setting?

What I want to do:

1) push solr configuration to zookeeper ensemble using zkCli command-line tool.
2) create N instances of SOLR running on Ec2, pointing to the same zookeeper
3) start all SOLR instances which will become a cloud setup with M shards 
(where M<N), and N-M replicas.

Currently everything starts up with 1 shards, and N replicas.

I already have one single collection pre-configured.

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