On 7/19/2013 4:01 PM, jefferyyuan wrote:
If I type 2 \\, seems it can find the error page:
<str name="parsedquery">
(+DisjunctionMaxQuery((content:"12 34"^0.5 | body_stored:"(12\:34 12)
34"^0.8 | title:"12 34"^1.1)))/no_coord
<str name="parsedquery_toString">
+(content:"12 34"^0.5 | body_stored:"(12\:34 12) 34"^0.8 | title:"12
<str name="QParser">ExtendedDismaxQParser</str>

Is this a bug in Solr edismax or not?

It sounds like it's a requirement for whatever you are using to construct your queries. When building Strings in Java, for instance, a double backslash is required for a literal backslash, because a single backslash is used for special characters, like \n for newline. It's similar for Perl, and probably PHP as well as other programming languages.


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