Okay, it’s hot off the e-presses: Solr 4.x Deep Dive, Early Access Release #4 
is now available for purchase and download as an e-book for $9.99 on Lulu.com 


(That link says “1”, but it apparently correctly redirects to EAR #4.)

My recent blog posts over the past week detailed the changes from EAR#3, but 
the main focus was completion of coverage of Solr 4.4 features, in addition to 
general improvements. I didn’t expect to publish this EAR until next week, but 
Solr 4.4 came out this week and I was essentially done with 4.4 coverage 
anyway. I’ll use the extra week so that I can spend next three full weeks 
trying to focus on a little more deeper coverage for EAR#5 on August 16, 2013. 
Topic(s) to be decided.


If you have purchased EAR#1 or #2 or #3, there is no need to rush out and pick 
up EAR#4. I mean, the technical content changes were relatively modest (69 new 
pages), and EAR#5 will be out in another two weeks anyway. That said, EAR#4 is 
a significant improvement over EAR#1 and EAR#2 and EAR#3.

Thanks for your ongoing support!

-- Jack Krupansky

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