The problem I saw was that the styles were all reset in a funny way, so it
was hard to just say H1/H2/div/ui and have a reasonable content showing up.
It was all small undifferentiated text. So, one had to inject a whole
bootstrap/CSS reset to do something useful. And, of course, even that was


Personal website:
- Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at
once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD book)

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 10:56 PM, Chris Hostetter

> : Didn't somebody once say this is used for customization of admin pages?
> it can be yes, that's why it originla existed -- Stefan's question was
> wether anyone was actually using it for that.
> I used it quite a bit back in the day at CNET as a way to "self document"
> what an instance was for and how to find internal documnetnation about hte
> instance and what queries to use it for etc..., but i haven't personally
> taken advantage of it in the new UI (where there are more customiation
> options instead of just a single header file)
> -Hoss

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