> First things first, for the dataimport handler. Is it correct that when I
> visit it from the admin panel it takes me to this URL:
> *http://x.com:8080/solr/#/collection1/dataimport//dataimport
> *

That one is correct. the trailing "/dataimport" is the name of the handler 
you've defined. the former "/dataimport/" is the area in the UI you've 

> When I visit it on this page, it seems to load my config correctly in the
> right panel. At the top of the page it has a purple bar at the top which
> says:
> *Last Update: 14:52:25 - No information available (idle)*
After you reloaded the core (for example) there is no information available - 
you have to run a full- or delta-import .. while that one is running and after 
that one finished, you'll see some statistics about the last run.

> When I visit this URL it still works except my config doesn't show
> http://x.com:8080/solr/#/collection1/dataimport/
> Is it right to have this as my URL or have a miss configured something?
That URL isn't linked anywhere .. if you remove the trailing slash .. it'll 
redirect you to the first available handler (which might end up being the url 
you provided at the beginning of your mail.

> Question 2
> In my data-config.xml I have two entities specified, but in the entity
> dropdown box it doesn't give me any options. Does anyone have any ideas what
> might have caused this?

To answer that question, it would be good to actually see your config .. use 
some service like https://paste.apache.org/ to paste your config. 

- Stefan 

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