The mail programs usually strip out attachments, so your
attachments didn't go through.

Maybe put it on Pastebin or similar?

But since you say it works on a single node, I wonder if
one or more of your nodes has an old jar on it that's
getting used. One could test it by trying to run your
import on each node independently.


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:19 PM, 兴涛孙 <> wrote:

> hello,guys:
> I've encounted a problem about configuring many cluested nodes with solr,so
> i want to ask for your help,thanks in advance!
> The problems lists as follows:
> 1.Installation platform:
> solr4.3.1,zookeeper 3.4.5 and tomcat 7 with jdk1.7
> 2.when i configured single node with DIH to build index,it can work
> properly,but when i configured one more(three nodes present) shard nodes
> with solr,then import data with DIH,some errors occured,i cannot find the
> reason,error information lists as follows:
> 2013-08-09 08:19:24,349 : ERROR [http-bio-8983-exec-72]
> null:java.lang.ClassCastException:
> org.apache.lucene.codecs.BlockTreeTermsWriter$PendingTerm cannot be cast to
> org.apache.lucene.codecs.BlockTreeTermsWriter$PendingBlock
> 3.Details information and error messages enclosed with this message,for
> more information,please refer to it.
>                                          Looking forward to hearing from
> you,thanks a lot.
> Yours,
> ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
> § sunxingtao
> § MOBILE:18643108123
> §
> ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

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