Using the document interface on the Solr admin i try to update the
following document:

{ "responseHeader": { "status": 0, "QTime": 1, "params": { "indent": "true",
"q": "*:*", "_": "1376064413493", "wt": "json" } }, "response": { "numFound":
1, "start": 0, "docs": [ { "id": "", "author": "", "
author_s": "", "_version_": 1442907922893897700 } ] } }

with the following change:

        "id": "",
        "author": {"set":"change.me1"},
        "_version_": 1442907922893897700

Which returns the error:

Status: error
Error: Conflict

  "responseHeader": {
    "status": 409,
    "QTime": 0
  "error": {
    "msg": "version conflict for
expected=1442907922893897700 actual=1442907922893897728",
    "code": 409
Why this happens? I am on version 4.4

Bruno René Santos
Lisboa - Portugal

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