On Aug 18, 2013, at 8:43 PM, Steve Rowe <> wrote:

> bq. I thought that when Steve moved it from the test module to the core, he 
> handled it so that it would not go out in the dist.
> Mea culpa.
> @Chris Collins, I think you're talking about Maven dependencies, right?  As a 
> workaround, you can exclude dependencies you don't need, including 
> hadoop-hdfs, hadoop-auth, and hadoop-annotations - this will also exclude the 
> indirect jetty 6 dependency/ies.  hadoop-common is a compile-time dependency, 
> though, so I'm not sure if it's safe to exclude.
> The problems, as far as I can tell, are: 
> 1) The ivy configuration puts three test-only dependencies (hadoop-hdfs, 
> hadoo-auth, and hadoop-annotations) in solr/core/lib/, rather than where they 
> belong, in solr/core/test-lib/.  (hadoop-common is required for solr-core 
> compilation to succeed.) 
> 2) The Maven configuration makes the equivalent mistake in marking these 
> test-only hadoop dependencies as compile-scope rather than test-scope 
> dependencies.
> 3) The Solr .war, which packages everything under solr/core/lib/, includes 
> these three test-only hadoop dependencies (though it does not include any 
> jetty 6 jars).
> 4) The license files for jetty and jetty-util v6.1.26, but not the jar files 
> corresponding to them, are included in the Solr distribution.
> I have working (tests pass) local Ant and Maven configurations that treat the 
> three hadoop test-only dependencies properly; as result, the .war will no 
> longer contain them - this will cover problems #1-3 above.
> I think we can just remove the jetty and jetty-util 6.1.26 license files from 
> solr/licenses/, since we don't ship those jars.
> I'll open an issue.
> Steve
> On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Mark Miller <> wrote:
> On Aug 17, 2013, at 9:01 AM, Robert Muir <> wrote:
> > I think this is only a "test dependency" ?
> Right - it's only for the hdfs 'test' setup. I thought that when Steve moved 
> it from the test module to the core, he handled it so that it would not go 
> out in the dist.
> - mark

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