thanks for that.

that URL with the corename explicity called out seems to work correctly on both 
4.4 (using the new style config for solr.xml) and 4.2.1 (using the old style 

From: Shawn Heisey <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 10:24
Subject: Re: Regarding mointoring the solr

On 8/19/2013 11:10 AM, Boogie Shafer wrote:
> the not often mentioned stats URL is another interface which you could scrape 
> for stats (although i just noticed this url doesnt seem to work in my 4.4.0 
> test environment (it does work on the 4.2.1 hosts) so something may have 
> changed, or my 4.4 env is just broken ;)
> http://solr_hostname:8983/solr/admin/mbeans/?stats=true

You need a core or collection name in your URL for that to work properly:


Putting a valid defaultCoreName in solr.xml can remove this requirement.
  If you are using the old-style solr.xml format in 4.4, this should
work in that versions as well.  If you have changed solr.xml to the new
core-discovery format in 4.4, defaultCoreName no longer exists.


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