: The main issue we found was a lot of millions of LazyField instances,
: taking ~2GB of memory, even though queries request about 10 small fields
: only.

which version of Solr are you using?  there was a really bad bug with 
lazyFieldLoading fixed in Solr 4.2.1 (SOLR-4589)

: We've found that LazyDocument creates a LazyField object for every item in
: a multivalued field, even if do not want this field.

right, that's exactly how lazyFieldLoading is designed to work -- instead 
of loading the full field values into ram, only a small LazyField object 
is loaded in it's place and that LazyField only fetches the underlying 
data if/when it's requested.

If the LazyField instances weren't created as placeholders, subsequent 
requests for the document that *might* request additional fields (beyond 
the "10 small fields" that were requested the first time) would have no 
way of knowing if/when those additional fields existed to be able to fetch 
them from the index.

: In our case, documentCache was configured to 32000. There are 2 cores per
: node, so 64000 LazyDocument instances are in memory. This is pretty big
: number, and we'll reduce it.

FWIW: Even at 1/10 that size, that seems like a ridiculously large 
documentCache to me.


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