Our index is aggregated content from various sites on the web. We want good
user experience by showing multiple sites in the search results. In our
setup we are seeing most of the results from same site on the top.

Here is some information regarding queries and schema
                site - String field. We have about 1000 sites in index
                sitetype - String field.  we have 3 site types
omitNorms="true" for both the fields

Doc count varies largely based on site and sitetype by a factor of 10 -
1000 times
Total index size is about 5 million docs.
Solr Version: 4.0

In our queries we have a fixed and preferential boost for certain sites.
sitetype has different and fixed boosts for 3 possible values. We turned
off Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) for these boosts to work properly.
Other text fields are boosted based on search keywords only.

With this setup we often see a bunch of hits from a single site followed by
next etc.,
Is there any solution to see results from variety of sites and still keep
the preferential boosts in place?

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