Hi again Everyone,

I didn't get any replies to this, so I thought I'd re-send in case anyone 
missed it and has any thoughts.


On Aug 7, 2013, at 1:51 PM, Eric O'Hanlon <elo2...@columbia.edu> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I'm facing an issue in which my solr query is returning highlighted snippets 
> for some, but not all results.  For reference, I'm searching through an index 
> that contains web crawls of human-rights-related websites.  I'm running solr 
> as a webapp under Tomcat and I've included the query's solr params from the 
> Tomcat log:
> ...
> webapp=/solr-4.2
> path=/select
> params={facet=true&sort=score+desc&group.limit=10&spellcheck.q=Unangan&f.mimetype_code.facet.limit=7&hl.simple.pre=<code>&q.alt=*:*&f.organization_type__facet.facet.limit=6&f.language__facet.facet.limit=6&hl=true&f.date_of_capture_yyyy.facet.limit=6&group.field=original_url&hl.simple.post=</code>&facet.field=domain&facet.field=date_of_capture_yyyy&facet.field=mimetype_code&facet.field=geographic_focus__facet&facet.field=organization_based_in__facet&facet.field=organization_type__facet&facet.field=language__facet&facet.field=creator_name__facet&hl.fragsize=600&f.creator_name__facet.facet.limit=6&facet.mincount=1&qf=text^1&hl.fl=contents&hl.fl=title&hl.fl=original_url&wt=ruby&f.geographic_focus__facet.facet.limit=6&defType=edismax&rows=10&f.domain.facet.limit=6&q=Unangan&f.organization_based_in__facet.facet.limit=6&q.op=AND&group=true&hl.usePhraseHighlighter=true}
>  hits=8 status=0 QTime=108
> ...
> For the query above (which can be simplified to say: find all documents that 
> contain the word "unangan" and return facets, highlights, etc.), I get five 
> search results.  Only three of these are returning highlighted snippets.  
> Here's the "highlighting" portion of the solr response (note: printed in ruby 
> notation because I'm receiving this response in a Rails app):
> --------
> "highlighting"=>
> {"20100602195444/http://www.kontras.org/uu_ri_ham/UU%20Nomor%2023%20Tahun%202002%20tentang%20Perlindungan%20Anak.pdf"=>
>    {},
> "20100902203939/http://www.kontras.org/uu_ri_ham/UU%20Nomor%2023%20Tahun%202002%20tentang%20Perlindungan%20Anak.pdf"=>
>    {},
> "20111202233029/http://www.kontras.org/uu_ri_ham/UU%20Nomor%2023%20Tahun%202002%20tentang%20Perlindungan%20Anak.pdf"=>
>    {},
>   "20100618201646/http://www.komnasham.go.id/portal/files/39-99.pdf"=>
>    {"contents"=>
>      ["...actual snippet is returned here..."]},
>   "20100902235358/http://www.komnasham.go.id/portal/files/39-99.pdf"=>
>    {"contents"=>
>      ["...actual snippet is returned here..."]},
> "20110302213056/http://www.komnasham.go.id/publikasi/doc_download/2-uu-no-39-tahun-1999"=>
>    {"contents"=>
>      ["...actual snippet is returned here..."]},
> "20110302213102/http://www.komnasham.go.id/publikasi/doc_view/2-uu-no-39-tahun-1999?tmpl=component&format=raw"=>
>    {"contents"=>
>      ["...actual snippet is returned here..."]},
> "20120303113654/http://www.iwgia.org/iwgia_files_publications_files/0028_Utimut_heritage.pdf"=>
>    {}}
> --------
> I have eight (as opposed to five) results above because I'm also doing a 
> grouped query, grouping by a field called "original_url", and this leads to 
> five grouped results.
> I've confirmed that my highlight-lacking results DO contain the word 
> "unangan", as expected, and this term is appearing in a text field that's 
> indexed and stored, and being searched for all text searches.  For example, 
> one of the search results is for a crawl of this document: 
> http://www.iwgia.org/iwgia_files_publications_files/0028_Utimut_heritage.pdf
> And if you view that document on the web, you'll see that it does contain 
> "unangan".
> Has anyone seen this before?  And does anyone have any good suggestions for 
> troubleshooting/fixing the problem?
> Thanks!
> - Eric

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