You can use DB for storing user preferences and later if you want you can flush 
them to solr as an update along with userid.

Or you may add a result pipeline filter 


On 13-Feb-2013, at 17:50, Á_____o <> wrote:

> Hi:
> I am working on a proyect where we want to recommend our users products
> based on their previous 'likes', purchases and so on (typical stuff of a
> recommender system), while we want to let them browse freely the catalogue
> by search queries, making use of facets, more-like-this and so on (typical
> stuff of a Solr index).
> After reading here and there, I have reached the conclusion that's it's
> better to keep Solr Index apart from the database. Solr is for products
> (which can be reindexed from the DB as a nightly batch) while the DB is for
> everything else, including -the products and- user profiles. 
> So, given an user and a particular search (which can be as simple as "q=*"),
> on one hand we have Solr results (i.e. docs + scores) for the query, while
> on the other we have user predicted ratings (i.e. recommender scores) coming
> from the DB (though they could be cached elsewhere) for each of the products
> returned by Solr.
> And what I want is clear -to state-: combine both scores (e.g. by a simple
> product) so the user receives a sorted list of relevant products biased by
> his/her preferences.
> I have been googleing for the last days without finding which is the best
> way to achieve this.
> I think it's not a matter of boosting, or at least I can't see which
> boosting method could be useful as the boost should be user-based. I think
> that I need to extend -somewhere- Solr so I can alter the result scores by
> providing the user ID and connecting to the DB at query time, doing the
> necessary maths and returning the final score in a -quite- transparent way
> for the Web app.
> A less elegant solution could be letting Solr do its work as usual, and then
> navigate through the XML modifying the scores and reordering the whole list
> of products (or maybe just the first N results) by the new combined score.
> What do you think?
> A big THANKS in advance
> Álvaro
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