On 14 September 2013 20:07, Baskar Sikkayan <baskar....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Gora,
>     Thanks a lot for your reply.
> My requirement is to combine 3 tables in mysql for search operation and
> planning to sync these 3 tables( not all the columns ) in Apache Solr.
> Whenever there is any change( adding a new row, deleting a row, modifying
> the column data( any column in the 3 tables ) ), the same has to updated in
> solr. Guess, for this requirement, instead of going with delta-import,
> Apachae Solar java client will be of useful.

Yes, if you are comfortable with programming in Java,
the Solr client would be a good alternative, though the
DataImportHandler can also do what you want.


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