Hi, guys: I met two questions about solr and lucene, wish people to help out.
use payload query but can NOT with numerical field type. for example: I implemented my own requesthandler, refer to http://hnagtech.wordpress.com/2013/04/19/using-payloads-with-solr-4-x/ I query in solr: sinaTag:operate solr response: "numFound": 2, "start": 0, "maxScore": 99, "docs": [ { "id": "1628209010", "followersCount": 752, "sinaTag": "operate|99 C2C|98 B2C|97 OnlineShopping|96 E-commercial|94", "score": 99 }, { "id": "1900546410", "followersCount": 1002, "sinaTag": "Startup|99 Benz|98 PublicRelation|97 operate|96 Activity|95 Media|94 AD|93 Vehicle|92 ", "score": 96 } This work well. But query with combined with other numberical condition, such as: sinaTag:operate and followersCount:[752 TO 752] { "responseHeader": { "status": 0, "QTime": 40 }, "response": { "numFound": 0, "start": 0, "maxScore": 0, "docs": [] } } According these dataset, the first record should be responsed rather than NOT FOUND. I not know why. 2. About string field fuzzy match filtering, how to get the score? what the formula is? When I used two or several string fuzzy match, probable AND or OR, how to get the score? what the formula is? Might I implement myself score formula class which interface or abstract class to extend ? Thanks in advance.