
50m docs across 18 servers 48gb RAM ain't much. I doubt you are hitting any
limits in lucene or solr.

How heavy is your index rate?

Solr & ElasticSearch Support
On Sep 17, 2013 5:25 PM, "Furkan KAMACI" <furkankam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Currently I hafer over 50+ millions documents at my index and as I mentiod
> before at another question I have some problems while indexing (jetty EOF
> exception) I know that problem may not be about index size but just I want
> to learn that is there any limit for document size at Solr that if I exceed
> it I can have some problems? I am not talking about the theoretical limit.
> What are the maximim index size for folks and what they to handle heavy
> index rate when having millions of documents. What tuning strategies they
> do?
> PS: I have 18 machines, 9 shards, each machine has 48 GB RAM and I use Solr
> 4.2.1 for my SolrCloud.

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