Summary - when constraining a search using filter query, how can I exclude
the constraint for a particular facet?

Detail - Suppose I have the following facet results for a query "q=*

<lst name="facet_counts">
<lst name="facet_queries"/>
<lst name="facet_fields">
<lst name="foo">
<int name="A">491</int>
<int name="B">111</int>
<int name="C">103</int>

I understand from Wiki
documentation that I can limit results to category "A" as follows:

fq={!raw f=foo}A

But I cannot seem to (Solr 3.6.1) exclude that way:

fq={!raw f=foo}-A

And the simpler test (with edismax) doesn't work either:

fq=foo:A        # works
fq=foo:-A       # doesn't work

Do I need to be using facet.method=enum to get this to work?   What else
could be the problem here?

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