seems what u got is the terms other than the raw data. maybe u should check
the api docs for more details
2013-10-11 上午3:56于 "JT" <>写道:

> I'm running into some issues developing a custom functionquery.
> My goal is to be able to implement a custom sorting technique.
> I have a field defined called resname, it is a single value str.
> Example: <str name="resname">/some
> example/data/here/2013/09/12/testing.text</str>
> I would like to do a custom sort based on this resname field.
> Basically, I would like to parse out that date there (2013/09/12) and sort
> on that date.
> I've followed various tutorials
>    -
>    -
> Im at the point where my code compiles, runs, executes, etc. Solr is happy
> with my code.
> I have classes that inherit from ValueSorceParser and ValueSorce, etc. I've
> overrode parse and
> instantiated my class with ValueSource
> public ValueSource parse(FunctionQParser fqp) {
>     return MyCustomClass(fqp.parseValueSource)
> }
> public class MyCustomClass extends ValueSource {
>     ValueSource source;
>     public MyCustomClass(ValueSource source) {
>         this.source = source;
>     }
>     public FunctionValues getValues(....) {
>        final FunctionValues sourceDV =
> source.getvalues(context,readerContext)
>        return new IntValues(this)
>             public int intVal(int doc) {
>                 //parse the value of "resname" here
>                   String value = sourceDV.strVal(doc);
>              ...more stuff
>              }
>        }
>    }
> The issue I'm running into is that my call to sourceDV.strVal(doc) only
> returns "part" of the field, not all of it. It appears to be very random.
> I guess my actual question is, how do I access / reference the EXACT RAW
> value of a field, while writing a functionquery.
> Do I need to change my ValueSource to a String?, then somehow lookup the
> field name while inside my getValues call?
> Is there a way to access the raw field data , when referencing it as a
> FunctionValues?
> Maybe I'm going about this totally incorrectly?

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