Thanks Yonik,

Does "cache=false" apply to all caches? The docs make it sound like it is for filterCache only, but I could be misunderstanding.

When I force a commit and perform a /select a query many times with "cache=false", I notice my query gets cached still, my guess is in the queryResultCache. At first the query takes 500ms+, then all subsequent requests take 0-1ms. I'll confirm this queryResultCache assumption today.



On 16/10/13 06:33 PM, Yonik Seeley wrote:
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Tim Vaillancourt<>  wrote:
I am debugging some /select queries on my Solr tier and would like to see
if there is a way to tell Solr to skip the caches on a given /select query
if it happens to ALREADY be in the cache. Live queries are being inserted
and read from the caches, but I want my debug queries to bypass the cache

I do know about the "cache=false" param (that causes the results of a
select to not be INSERTED in to the cache), but what I am looking for
instead is a way to tell Solr to not read the cache at all, even if there
actually is a cached result for my query.
Yeah, cache=false for "q" or "fq" should already not use the cache at
all (read or write).


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