On Mon, October 21, 2013 10:04 AM, Toke Eskildsen wrote:
>On Fri, 2013-10-18 at 18:30 +0200, Lemke, Michael SZ/HZA-ZSW wrote:
>> Toke Eskildsen wrote:
>> > Unfortunately the enum-solution is normally quite slow when there
>> > are enough unique values to trigger the "too many > values"-exception.
>> > [...]
>> [...] And yes, the fc method was terribly slow in a case where it did
>> work.  Something like 20 minutes whereas enum returned within a few
>> seconds.
>Err.. What? That sounds _very_ strange. You have millions of unique
>values so fc should be a lot faster than enum, not the other way around.
>I assume the 20 minutes was for the first call. How fast does subsequent
>calls return for fc?

QTime enum:
         1st call: 1200
 subsequent calls: 200

QTime fc:
       never returns, webserver restarts itself after 30 min with 100% CPU load

This is on the test system, the production system managed to return with
"... Too many values for UnInvertedField faceting ...".

However, I also have different faceting queries I played with today.

One complete example:


These are the results, all with facet.method=enum (fc doesn't work).  They
were executed in the sequence shown on an otherwise unused server:

QTime=41205              facet.prefix=            q=frequent_word          

Same query repeated:
QTime=225810             facet.prefix=            q=ottomotor              
QTime=199839             facet.prefix=            q=ottomotor              

QTime=0                  facet.prefix=            q=ottomotor jkdhwjfh     
QTime=0                  facet.prefix=            q=jkdhwjfh               

QTime=185948             facet.prefix=            q=ottomotor              

QTime=3344               facet.prefix=d           q=ottomotor              
QTime=3078               facet.prefix=d           q=ottomotor              
QTime=3141               facet.prefix=d           q=ottomotor              

The response time is obviously not dependent on the number of documents found.
Caching doesn't kick in either.

>Maybe you could provide some approximate numbers?

I'll try, see below.  Thanks for asking and having a closer look.

>- Documents in your index

>- Unique values in the CONTENT field
Not sure how to get this.  In luke I find
21,797,514 term count CONTENT

Is that what you mean?

>- Hits are returned from a typical query
Hm, that can be anything between 0 and 40,000 or more.
Or do you mean from the facets?  Or do my tests above
answer it?

>- Xmx
The maximum the system allows me to get: 1612m

Maybe I have a hopelessly under-dimensioned server for this sort of things?

Thanks a lot for your help,

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