Thanks Jack for detailing out the parser logic.
Would it be possible for you to say something more about filter cache code
flow...  sometimes we do not use fq parameter  in query string and pass the
raw query....


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Jack Krupansky <>wrote:

> Start with org.apache.solr.handler.**component.QueryComponent#**prepare
> which fetches the fq parameters and indirectly invokes the query parser(s):
> String[] fqs = req.getParams().getParams(**CommonParams.FQ);
> if (fqs!=null && fqs.length!=0) {
>   List<Query> filters = rb.getFilters();
>   // if filters already exists, make a copy instead of modifying the
> original
>   filters = filters == null ? new ArrayList<Query>(fqs.length) : new
> ArrayList<Query>(filters);
>   for (String fq : fqs) {
>     if (fq != null && fq.trim().length()!=0) {
>       QParser fqp = QParser.getParser(fq, null, req);
>       filters.add(fqp.getQuery());
>     }
>   }
>   // only set the filters if they are not empty otherwise
>   // fq=&someotherParam= will trigger all docs filter for every request
>   // if filter cache is disabled
>   if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
>     rb.setFilters( filters );
> Note that this line actually invokes the parser:
>       filters.add(fqp.getQuery());
> Then in**Query.QParser#getParser:
> QParserPlugin qplug = req.getCore().getQueryPlugin(**parserName);
> QParser parser =  qplug.createParser(qstr, localParams, req.getParams(),
> req);
> And for the common case of the Lucene query parser,
> **LuceneQParserPlugin#**createParser:
> public QParser createParser(String qstr, SolrParams localParams,
> SolrParams params, SolrQueryRequest req) {
>  return new LuceneQParser(qstr, localParams, params, req);
> }
> And then in**Query.QParser#getQuery:
> public Query getQuery() throws SyntaxError {
>  if (query==null) {
>    query=parse();
> And then in**Query.LuceneQParser#parse:
> lparser = new SolrQueryParser(this, defaultField);
> lparser.setDefaultOperator
>  (QueryParsing.**getQueryParserDefaultOperator(**getReq().getSchema(),
>                                              getParam(QueryParsing.OP)));
> return lparser.parse(qstr);
> And then in org.apache.solr.parser.**SolrQueryParserBase#parse:
> Query res = TopLevelQuery(null);  // pass null so we can tell later if an
> explicit field was provided or not
> And then in org.apache.solr.parser.**QueryParser#TopLevelQuery, the
> parsing begins.
> And org.apache.solr.parser.**QueryParser.jj is the grammar for a basic
> Solr/Lucene query, and org.apache.solr.parser.** is
> generated by JFlex, and a lot of the logic is in the base class of the
> generated class, org.apache.solr.parser.**
> Good luck! Happy hunting!
> -- Jack Krupansky
> -----Original Message----- From: YouPeng Yang
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: Class name of parsing the fq clause
> Hi
>   I search the solr with fq clause,which is like:
>   fq=BEGINTIME:[2013-08-25T16:**00:00Z TO *] AND BUSID:(M30000 OR M90000)
>   I am curious about the parsing process . I want to study it.
>   What is the Java file name describes  the parsing  process of the fq
> clause.
>  Thanks
> Regards.

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