Hey Solr-users,

I've got a single solr 4.5.1 node with 96GB ram, a 65GB index (105 million 
records) and a lot of daily churn of newly indexed files (auto softcommit and 
commits).  I'm trying to bring another matching node into the mix, and am 
getting these errors on the new node:

org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: 
Illegal to have multiple roots (start tag in epilog?).

On the old server, still running, I'm getting: 

shard update error StdNode: 
 Server refused connection at: http://server2:xxxx/solr/collection

the new core never actually comes online, stays in recovery mode.  The other 
two tiny cores (100,000+ records each and not updated frequently), work just 

is this SOLR-4327 bug?  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-5331   And 
if so, how can I get the new node up and running so I can get back in 
production with some redundancy and speed?

I'm running an external zookeeper, and that is all running just fine.  Also 
internal Solrj/jetty with little to no modifications.  

Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks, 


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