Hi Kuro,

I don't know of any benchmarks featuring distance-sort performance.

Presumably you are using SOLR-2155 because you have multi-valued spatial
fields?  If so, LatLonType is not an option.  SOLR-2155 sorting
performance is *probably* about the same as the equivalent in Solr 4 RPT.
If you actually do have single valued spatial to sort on, then definitely
don't use SOLR-2155 or RPT for that, use LatLonType.  It's surely faster
but I haven't measured it.

The best multi-valued distance sort option for Solr 4 is currently this:

~ David

On 11/5/13 1:36 PM, "T. Kuro Kurosaka" <k...@healthline.com> wrote:

>Are there any performance comparison results available comparing various
>to sort result by distance (not just filtering) on Solr 3 and 4?
>We are using Solr 3.5 with Solr-2155 patch. I am particularly interested
>in learning
>performance difference among Solr 3 LatLongType, Solr-2155 GeoHash,
>Solr 4 implementation of GeoHash and Solr 4's
>I see comparison of Solr 3 LatLongType vs Solr-2155
>but it is 2 years old.
>T. "Kuro" Kurosaka € Senior Software Engineer
>Healthline Networks, Inc. € Connect to Better Health

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