Ah, thanks Markus. I think I'll just add the Boolean operators to the
stopwords list in that case.


On 7 November 2013 12:01, Markus Jelsma <markus.jel...@openindex.io> wrote:

> This is an ancient problem. The issue here is your mm-parameter, it gets
> confused because for separate fields different amount of tokens are
> filtered/emitted so it is never going to work just like this. The easiest
> option is not to use the stopfilter.
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Dismax-Minimum-Match-Stopwords-Bug-td493483.html
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3085
> -----Original message-----
> > From:Tom Mortimer <tom.m.f...@gmail.com>
> > Sent: Thursday 7th November 2013 12:50
> > To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> > Subject: eDisMax, multiple language support and stopwords
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Thanks for the help and advice I've got here so far!
> >
> > Another question - I want to support stopwords at search time, so that
> e.g.
> > the query "oscar and wilde" is equivalent to "oscar wilde" (this is with
> > lowercaseOperators=false). Fair enough, I have stopword "and" in the
> query
> > analyser chain.
> >
> > However, I also need to support French as well as English, so I've got
> _en
> > and _fr versions of the text fields, with appropriate stemming and
> > stopwords. I index French content into the _fr fields and English into
> the
> > _en fields. I'm searching with eDisMax over both versions, e.g.:
> >
> >     <str name="qf">headline_en headline_fr</str>
> >
> > However, this means I get no results for "oscar and wilde". The parsed
> > query is:
> >
> >     (+((DisjunctionMaxQuery((headline_fr:osca | headline_en:oscar))
> > DisjunctionMaxQuery((headline_fr:and))
> > DisjunctionMaxQuery((headline_fr:wild | headline_en:wild)))~3))/no_coord
> >
> > If I add "and" to the French stopwords list, I *do* get results, and the
> > parsed query is:
> >
> >     (+((DisjunctionMaxQuery((headline_fr:osca | headline_en:oscar))
> > DisjunctionMaxQuery((headline_fr:wild | headline_en:wild)))~2))/no_coord
> >
> > This implies that the only solution is to have a minimal, shared
> stopwords
> > list for all languages I want to support. Is this correct, or is there a
> > way of supporting this kind of searching with per-language stopword
> lists?
> >
> > Thanks for any ideas!
> >
> > Tom
> >

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