Hi All,

I'm building a utility (Java jar) to create SolrInputDocuments and send
them to a HttpSolrServer using the SolrJ API.  The intention is to find an
efficient way to create documents from a large directory of files (where
multiple files make one Solr document) and be sent to a remote Solr
instance for update and commit.

I've already solved the problem using the DataImportHandler (DIH) so I have
a data-config.xml that describes the templated fields and cross-walking of
the source(s) to the schema.  The original data won't always be able to be
co-located with the Solr server which is why I'm looking for another option.

I've also already solved the problem using ant and xslt to create a
temporary (and unfortunately a potentially large) document which the
UpdateHandler will accept.  I couldn't think of a solution that took
advantage of the XSLT support in the UpdateHandler because each document is
created from multiple files.  Our current dated Java based solution
significantly outperforms this solution in terms of disk and time.  I've
rejected it based on that and gone back to the drawing board.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might be able to reuse my DIH
configuration in the SolrJ context without re-inventing the wheel (or DIH
in this case)?  If I'm doing something ridiculous I hope you'll point that
out too.


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