Given a 4 solr node instance (i.e. 2 shards, 2 replicas per shard), and a 
standalone zookeeper.

Correct me if any of my understanding is incorrect on the following:
If ZK goes down, most normal operations will still function, since my 
understanding is that ZK isn't involved on a transaction by transaction basis 
for each of these.....
Document adds, updates, and deletes on existing collection will still work as 
Queries will still get processed as expected.
Is the above correct?

But adding new collections, changing configs, etc., will all fail while ZK is 
down (or at least, place things in an inconsistent state?)
Is that correct?

If, while ZK is down, one of the 4 solr nodes also goes down, will all normal 
operations fail?  Will they all continue to succeed?  I.e. will each of the 
nodes realize which node is down and route indexing and query requests around 
them, or is that impossible while ZK is down?  Will some queries succeed 
(because they were lucky enough to get routed to the one replica on the one 
shard that is still functional) while other queries fail (they aren't so lucky 
and get routed to the one replica that is down on the one shard)?

Garth Grimm

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