Solr is using the UniqueKey you defined for your documents, that shouldn't be a 
problem, since you can lookup the document from the list of documents in the 
main response?

And there is actually a ticket, which would allow it to inline the highlight 
response with DocTransfomers:


On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Furkan KAMACI wrote:

> I have setup my highlight as follows:
> <bool name="hl">true</bool>
> <str name="hl.fl">name age address</str>
> However I don't want *name* be highlighted *but *included inside response:
> "highlighting": {
> Something_myid: {
> name: "<em>Something</em> bla bla",
> age: "<em>Something</em> age bla bla",
> address: "<em>Something</em> age bla bla"
> }
> }
> *or:*
> I want to group them on name field instead of id:
> "highlighting": {
> Something bla bla: {
> age: "<em>Something</em> age bla bla",
> address: "<em>Something</em> age bla bla"
> }
> }
> *or*
> "highlighting": {
> Something bla bla: {
> name: "<em>Something</em> bla bla",
> age: "<em>Something</em> age bla bla",
> address: "<em>Something</em> age bla bla"
> }
> }
> How can I do *any* of them at Solr 4.5.1? 

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