
I would like to post a comment about the problem below on Solr Confluence documentation, but comments are disabled right now for confluence-users (at least at the time I'm writing this - it was confirmed on IRC a minute ago).

The page I would like to comment on is : https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Result+Grouping

It seems to me that there is a minor mistake in the following sentence :
"Grouped faceting only supports facet.field for string based fields that are not tokenized and are not multivalued."

The point is : grouped faceting DO support multivalued fields. Indeed, as it can be read in the "request parameter" table on the same page:
"Grouped faceting supports single and multivalued fields"

I did many tests today that confirm the fact that multivalued fields are supported for grouped faceting.

If someone can confirm that and have the rights to modify the documentation (or to post a comment), it would be great.

Many thanks in advance.

Julien Canquelain

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