I have strange situation. During indexing some of cores goes down:

ZkController.publish(1017) | publishing core=shops5 state=down
ZkController.register(785) | Register replica - core:shops5 address:
http://host77:8280/solr collection:shops5 shard:shard1
ZkController.register(810) | We are http://host77:8280/solr/shops5/ and
leader is http://host136:8280/solr/shops5/

After that core doesn't register as working in the cloud, even if it should
(It can process requests).
For now I can only restart solr to fix the situation. Reload core doesn't

Has someone faced similar problem?

Some info:
Multiple Solr 4.5.1 in SolrCloud
3x Zk

Index Version Gen Size
Master (Searching) 1385955301185 67 127.62 KB
Master (Replicable) 1385955301185 67 -

Index Version Gen Size
Master (Searching) 1385955301218 68 127.65 KB
Master (Replicable) 1385955301218 68 -

Index Version Gen Size
Master (Searching) 1385955301265 68 127.37 KB
Master (Replicable) 1385955301265 68 -

Logs from other core:
ZkController.publish(1017) | publishing core=shops3 state=down
ZkController.register(785) | Register replica - core:shops3 address:
http://host77:8280/solr collection:shops3 shard:shard1
ZkController.register(810) | We are http://host77:8280/solr/shops3/ and
leader is http://host136:8280/solr/shops3/
ZkController.register(841) | No LogReplay needed for core=shops3 baseURL=
ZkController.checkRecovery(993) | Core needs to recover:shops3
RecoveryStrategy.run(216) | Starting recovery process. core=shops3
ZkController.publish(1017) | publishing core=shops3 state=recovering
RecoveryStrategy.doRecovery(356) | Attempting to PeerSync from
http://host136:8280/solr/shops3/ core=shops3 - recoveringAfterStartup=false
RecoveryStrategy.doRecovery(368) | PeerSync Recovery was successful -
registering as Active. core=shops3
ZkController.publish(1017) | publishing core=shops3 state=active
SolrCore.registerSearcher(1812) | [shops3] Registered new searcher
Searcher@45df7f8c main{StandardDirectoryReader(segments_ik:1977:nrt
PeerSync.sync(186) | PeerSync: core=shops3
url=http://host77:8280/solrSTART replicas=[
http://host136:8280/solr/shops3/] nUpdates=100
PeerSync.handleVersions(346) | PeerSync: core=shops3 url=
http://host77:8280/solr Received 97 versions from host136:8280/solr/shops3/
PeerSync.handleVersions(399) | PeerSync: core=shops3 url=
http://host77:8280/solr Our versions are newer.
ourLowThreshold=1453188869165940736 otherHigh=1453279151809101824
PeerSync.sync(272) | PeerSync: core=shops3
url=http://host77:8280/solrDONE. sync succeeded

above lines are missing for core shops5

Grzegorz Sobczyk

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