Hi Metin,

I think removing the softCommit=true parameter on the client side will 
definitely help as NRT wasn't designed to re-open searchers after every 
document. Try every 1 second (or even every few seconds), I doubt your users 
will notice. To get an idea of what threads are running in your JVM process, 
you can use jstack.


Timothy Potter
Sr. Software Engineer, LucidWorks

From: OSMAN Metin <metin.os...@canal-plus.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 7:36 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Questions about commits and OOE

Hi all,

let me first explain our situation :

We have

-       two virtual servers with each :

4x SolR 4.4.0 on Tomcat 6 (+ with mod_cluster 1.2.0), each JVM has -Xms2048m 
-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m
1x Zookeeper 3.4.5 (Only one of the two Zookeeper is active.)
CentOS 6.4
Sun JDK 1.6.0-31
16 GB of RAM
4 vCPU

-       only one core and one shard

-       ~250000 docs and 50-100 MB of index size

-       two load balancers (apache + mod_cluster) who are both connected to the 
8 SolR nodes

-       1 VIP pointing to these two LB

The commit configuration is

-       every update request do a soft commit (i.e. param softCommit=true in 
the http request)

-       autosoftcommit disabled

-       autocommit enabled every 15 seconds

The client application is a java app with SolRj client using the previous VIP 
as an endpoint.
We need NearRealTime modifications visible by the end users.
During the day, the client uses SolR with about 80% of select requests and 20% 
of update requests.
Every morning, the client is sending a massive bunch of updates (about 10000 in 
a few minutes).

During this massive update, we have sometimes a peak of active threads 
exceeding the limit of 8192 process authorized for the user running the tomcat 
and zookeeper process.
When this happens, every hardCommit is failing with an "OutOfMemory : unable to 
create native thread" message.

Now, I have some questions :

-       Why are there some many threads created ? Is the softCommit on every 
update that opens a new thread ?

-       Once an OOE occurs, every hardcommit will be broken, even if the number 
of threads opened on the system is low. Is there any way to "free" the JVM ? 
The only solution we have found is to restart all the JVM.

-       When the OOE occurs, the SolR cloud console shows the leader node as 
active and the others as recovering

o   is the replication working at that moment ?

o   as all the hardcommits are failing but the softcommits not, am I very sure 
that I will not lose some updates when restarting all the nodes ?

By the way, we are planning to

-       disable the softCommit parameter on the client side and to enable the 
autosoftcommit instead.

-       create another server and make 3 zookeeper chorum instead of a unique 
zookeeper master.

-       skip the use of load balancers and let zookeeper decide which node will 
respond to the requests

Any help would be appreciated !


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