Hey all,

Now that I am getting correct results with "distrib=false", I've identified that 1 of my nodes has just 1/3rd of the total data set and totally explains the flapping in results. The fix for this is obvious (rebuild replica) but the cause is less obvious.

There is definately more than one issue going on with this SolrCloud (but 1 down thanks to Chris' suggestion!), so I'm guessing the fact that /clusterstate.json doesn't seem to get updated when nodes are brought down/up is the reason why this replica remained in the distributed request chain without recovering/re-replicating from leader.

I imagine my Zookeeper ensemble is having some problems unrelated to Solr that is the real root cause.



On 04/12/13 03:00 PM, Tim Vaillancourt wrote:
Chris, this is extremely helpful and it's silly I didn't think of this sooner! Thanks a lot, this makes the situation make much more sense.

I will gather some proper data with your suggestion and get back to the thread shortly.



On 04/12/13 02:57 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
: I may be incorrect here, but I assumed when querying a single core of a : SolrCloud collection, the SolrCloud routing is bypassed and I am talking
: directly to a plain/non-SolrCloud core.

No ... every query received from a client by solr is handled by a single
core -- if that core knows it's part of a SolrCloud collection then it
will do a distributed search across a random replica from each shard in
that collection.

If you want to bypass the distribute search logic, you have to say so

To ask an arbitrary replica to only search itself add "distrib=false" to
the request.

Alternatively: you can ask that only certain shard names (or certain
explicit replicas) be included in a distribute request..



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