
What version of Solr are you using? I'll see if I can recreate this.

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 7:21 AM, Ahmet Arslan <iori...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> TermQueryParser comes handy when you don't want to escape.
> q = {!term
> f=id}156a05d1-8ebe-4f3c-b548-60a84d167a16!643fd57c-c65e-4929-bc0e-029aa4f07475
> On Monday, December 9, 2013 2:14 PM, Daniel Bryant <
> daniel.bry...@tai-dev.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of migrating an application that queries Solr to use
> a new sharded SolrCloud, and as part of this I'm adding the shard key to
> the document id when we index documents (as we're using grouping and we
> need to ensure that grouped documents end up on the same shard) e.g.
> 156a05d1-8ebe-4f3c-b548-60a84d167a16!643fd57c-c65e-4929-bc0e-029aa4f07475
> I'm having a problem with my application when searching by id with SolrJ
> CloudSolrServer - the exclamation point is misinterpreted as a boolean
> negation, and the matching document is not returned in the search results.
> I just wanted to check if the only way to make this work would be to
> escape the exclamation point (i.e. prefix with a slash, or enclose the
> id within quotes). We're keen to avoid this, as this will require lots
> of modifications throughout the code on a series of applications that
> interact with Solr.
> If anyone has any better suggestions on how to achieve this it would be
> very much appreciated!
> Best wishes,
> Daniel
> --
> *Daniel Bryant  |  Software Development Consultant  | www.tai-dev.co.uk
> <http://www.tai-dev.co.uk/>*
> daniel.bry...@tai-dev.co.uk <mailto:daniel.bry...@tai-dev.co.uk>  |  +44
> (0) 7799406399  |  Twitter: @taidevcouk <https://twitter.com/taidevcouk>

Joel Bernstein
Search Engineer at Heliosearch

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