: It seems that a facet query does not use the global query parameters (for : example, field aliasing for edismax parser).
can you please give a specific example of a query that isn't working for you? Using this query against the examle data, things work exactly as i would expect showing that the QParsers used for facet.queries inherit the global params (unless overridden by local params of course)... http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=*:*&wt=json&indent=true&&facet=true&facet.query={!dismax}solr+bogus&facet.query={!dismax%20mm=1}solr+bogus&facet.query={!dismax%20mm=1%20qf=%27foo_t%27}solr+bogus&rows=0&mm=2&qf=name { "responseHeader":{ "status":0, "QTime":2, "params":{ "mm":"2", "facet":"true", "indent":"true", "facet.query":["{!dismax}solr bogus", "{!dismax mm=1}solr bogus", "{!dismax mm=1 qf='foo_t'}solr bogus"], "q":"*:*", "qf":"name", "wt":"json", "rows":"0"}}, "response":{"numFound":32,"start":0,"docs":[] }, "facet_counts":{ "facet_queries":{ "{!dismax}solr bogus":0, "{!dismax mm=1}solr bogus":1, "{!dismax mm=1 qf='foo_t'}solr bogus":0}, "facet_fields":{}, "facet_dates":{}, "facet_ranges":{}}} -Hoss http://www.lucidworks.com/