On 12/10/2013 11:26 AM, sweety wrote:
> okay thanks,
> here it is:
> max heap size : 63.56MB(it is howing 37.2% usage though)
> How to increase that size??

64MB is an extremely small heap size.  Chances are good that because you
are running on Windows 7, Java is in client mode, especially if the Java
is 32bit rather than 64bit.  General advice: always use a 64-bit CPU,
operating system, and Java.  A 32-bit Java is unable to use a heap size
larger than 2GB.

You need to add options like the following to your servlet container

-server -d64 -Xms1024M-Xmx1024M

The "1024M" part of that says that you're allocating 1GB to Java.  You
may need to make that number bigger or smaller to fit your specific needs.



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