I have a multi-core master/slave configuration that's showing
unexpected replication behavior for one core; other cores are
replicating without problems.

The master is running Solr 4.1; one slave is running 4.1 under Tomcat,
and another (for testing) is running 4.6 under Jetty.  These are
exhibiting similar problems.

The core on the master is at generation 4; this is reported as both
the generation for searching and replication using the replication API
on the slave.

When the slave attempts to replicate, it fails to load the file list
required for replication, and logs the message:

    INFO: Master's generation: 4
    INFO: Slave's generation: 5
    INFO: Starting replication process
    SEVERE: No files to download for index generation: 4

(Timestamps removed for readability.)

I have verified that the slave returns empty results where the master
returns non-empty results; so this isn't a matter of reporting being

I'm not sure how to diagnose this; what can I check for to understand
the actual problem?

(I have Googled for relevant issues or mailing list traffic, but
nothing actually explained what's happening or how to correct it.)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
"A storm broke loose in my mind."  --Albert Einstein

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