Hey Furkan and solr users

This is a miss reported problem. It's not solr problem but our data issue.
Sorry for this.

It's a data issue of our side, a coupon happened to have two piece English
description, which is not allowed in our business logic, but it happened
 and we added twice of the name_en_US to solr document.

I've done a set of test and deep debugging to solr source code, and found
out that a array like string such as  [Get 20% Off Official Barca Kits,
coupon] won't be treated as multivalued field.

Sorry again for not digging more before sent out question email. I trust
our business logic and data integrity more than solr, I will definitely not
do this again. ;-)

All the best

Liu Bo

On 11 December 2013 07:21, Furkan KAMACI <furkankam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Liu;
> Yes. it is an expected behavior. If you send data within square brackets
> Solr will behave it as a multivalued field. You can test it with this way:
> if you use Solrj and use a List for a field it will be considered as
> multivalued too because when you call toString() method of your List you
> can see that elements are printed within square brackets. This is the
> reason that a List can be used for a multivalued field.
> If you explain your situation I can offer a way how to do it.
> Thanks;
> Furkan KAMACI
> 2013/12/6 Liu Bo <diabl...@gmail.com>
> > Dear solr users:
> >
> > I've met this kind of error several times,
> >
> > when add a "array" liked string such as:[Get 20% Off Official Barça Kits,
> > coupon] to a  multiValued="false" field, solr will complain:
> >
> > org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: ERROR: [doc=7781396456243918692]
> > multiple values encountered for non multiValued field name_en_US: [Get
> 20%
> > Off Official Barca Kits, coupon]
> >
> > my schema defination:
> > <field name="name_en_US" type="text_en" indexed="true" stored="true"
> > multiValued="false" />
> >
> > This field is stored as the search result needs this field and it's value
> > in original format, and indexed to give it a boost while searching .
> >
> > What I do is adding name (java.lang.String) to SolrInputDocument by
> > addField("name_en_US", product.getName()) method, and then add this to
> solr
> > using an AddUpdateCommand
> >
> > It seems solr treats this kind of string data as multivalued, even I add
> > this field to solr only once.
> >
> > Is this a bug or a supposed behavior?
> >
> > Is there any way to tell solr this is not a "multivalued value" add don't
> > break it?
> >
> > Your help and suggestion will be much of my appreciation.
> >
> > --
> > All the best
> >
> > Liu Bo
> >

All the best

Liu Bo

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