On 12/21/2013 12:33 PM, S.L wrote:
> I am running a single Solr instance with version 4.4 with Apache
> Tomcat 7.0.42 ,I am aslo running a Nutch instance with about 20
> threads and each thread is committing a document in the Solr index
> using the Solrj API , the version of Solrj API I
> use is 4.3.1 , can anyone please let me know if this error is occuring
> because I am committing documents too fast for a single instance of a
> server or is it because of any other underlying issue , please let me
> know.

The error message you showed here does not list the cause.  Is there
more to the error message, one or more "Caused by" sections?  Please
include the entire stacktrace.  I would be surprised if there's not more
on the client side, but even if there's not, Solr's server-side log
should contain more information.

Looking ahead to your other reply on this thread, it's a bad idea to do
a commit after every document, unless the update batch only consists of
one document and there will be a long delay before another document gets
added.  The autoCommit and autoSoftCommit features are good options.  Do
the autoCommit with openSearcher=false.  You can also do a
"commitWithin" parameter on the update requests instead of
autoSoftCommit.  You should always have autoCommit with Solr 4.x, to
ensure the transaction log does not grow out of control.


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