
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2553 - "Nested Field Collapsing"
caught my attention.

I'm not familiar with the implementation details of grouping (aka field
collapsing) or pivot faceting.... but shouldn't they share a lot of code
and be treated as very closely related.... maybe even building on top of
each other?

I'm asking because I don't recall ever seeing anyone making this connection
between grouping and pivot/hierarchical/nested faceting, YET:
* grouping is a very popular feature
* pivot faceting is popular
* Elasticsearch guys invested a lot of time into the new aggregation
framework which has aspects of both grouping and pivot faceting
* (nested) grouping/pivot faceting are building blocks that make Solr more
attractive for analytical workload and not just full-text search queries -
see http://blog.sematext.com/2013/11/09/presentation-solr-for-analytics/

Or am I completely off in terms of grouping and pivot faceting being very
closely related?

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