I think your use case is the one described in LUCENE-5350, maybe you want
to take a look to the patch and comments there.


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Hamish Campbell <
hamish.campb...@koordinates.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm looking into options for filtering the search suggestions dictionary.
> Using Solr 4.6.0, Suggester component and fst.FuzzyLookupFactory using a
> field based dictionary, we're indexing records for a multi-tenanted SaaS
> platform. SearchHandler records are always filtered by the particular
> client warehouse (e.g. by domain), however we need a way to apply a similar
> filter to the spell check dictionary to prevent leaking terms between
> clients. In other words: when client A searches for a document title they
> should not receive spelling suggestions for client B's document titles.
> This has been asked a couple of times, on the mailing list and on
> StackOverflow. Some of the suggested approaches:
> 1. Use dynamic fields to create dictionaries per-warehouse (mentioned here:
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Filtering-down-terms-in-suggest-tt4069627.html
> )
> That might be a reasonable option for us (we already considered a similar
> approach), but at what point does this stop scaling efficiently? How many
> dynamic fields are too many?
> 2. Run a query to populate the suggestion list (also mentioned in that
> thread)
> If I understand this correctly, this would give us a lot of flexibility and
> power: for example to give a more nuanced result set using the users
> permissions to expose private documents in their spelling suggestions.
> I expect this would be a slow query, but our total document count is
> currently relatively small (on the order of 10^3 objects) and I imagine you
> could create a specific word index with the appropriate fields to keep this
> in check. Is this a feasible approach, and if so, how do you build a
> dynamic suggestion list?
> 3. Other options:
> It seems like this is a common problem - and we could through some
> resources at building an extension to provide some limited suggestion
> dictionary filtering. Is anyone already doing something similar, or has
> found a clever hack around this, or can suggest a starting point?
> Thanks everyone!
> --
> Hamish Campbell
> Koordinates Ltd <http://koordinates.com/?_bzhc=esig>
> PH   +64 9 966 0433
> FAX +64 9 966 0045

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