Hmm, this does get a bit complicated, and I'm not even doing any writes
with the DIH SolrWriter. In retrospect, using a DIH to create only EFFs
doesn't buy much except for the integration into the Solr Admin UI.  Thanks
for the pointer to 3671, James.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 10:59 AM, Dyer, James

> Peter,
> I think you can override org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.SolrWriter to
> have a custom (no-op) rollback method.  Your new writer should implement
> org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DIHWriter.  You can specify the
> "writerImpl" request parameter to specify the new class.
> Unfortunately, it isn't actually this easy because your new writer is
> going to have to know what to do for all the other methods.  That is, there
> is no easy way to tell it how to write/commit/etc to Solr.  The default
> SolrWriter has a lot of hardcoded parameters it gets sent on construction
> in DataImportHandler#handleRequestBody.  You would have to somehow
> duplicate this construction on your own custom class.  See SOLR-3671 for an
> explanation of this dilemma.
> James Dyer
> Ingram Content Group
> (615) 213-4311
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Peter Keegan
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 7:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to override rollback behavior in DIH
> Following up on this a bit - my main index is updated by a SolrJ client in
> another process. If the DIH fails, the SolrJ client is never informed of
> the index rollback, and any pending updates are lost. For now, I've made
> sure that the DIH processor never throws an exception, but this makes it a
> bit harder to detect the failure via the admin interface.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Peter Keegan <
> >wrote:
> > I have a custom data import handler that creates an ExternalFileField
> from
> > a source that is different from the main index. If the import fails (in
> my
> > case, a connection refused in URLDataSource), I don't want to roll back
> any
> > uncommitted changes to the main index. However, this seems to be the
> > default behavior. Is there a way to override the IndexWriter rollback?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Peter
> >

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