On 12/11/2013 2:41 AM, Elodie Sannier wrote:
> collection fr_blue:
> - shard1 -> server-01 (replica1), server-01 (replica2)
> - shard2 -> server-02 (replica1), server-02 (replica2)
> collection fr_green:
> - shard1 -> server-01 (replica1), server-01 (replica2)
> - shard2 -> server-02 (replica1), server-02 (replica2)

I'm pretty sure this won't affect the issue you've mentioned, but it's
worth pointing out.

If this is really how you've arranged your shard replicas, your system
cannot survive a failure, because you've got both replicas for each
shard on the same server.  If that server dies, half of each collection
will be gone.


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