Hi David,

It's taken me ages to get back to this.

Thanks for your help!  I guess I overly complicated the indexing of spatial 
fields in Solr.  I should have known that Solr would just do the right thing! :)


From: Smiley, David W. [mailto:dsmi...@mitre.org]
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 11:30 AM
To: Beale, Jim (US-KOP); solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Indexing spatial fields into SolrCloud (HTTP)

Hello Jim,

By the way, using GeohashPrefixTree.getMaxLevelsPossible() is usually an 
extreme choice.  Instead you probably want to choose only as many levels needed 
for your distance tolerance.  See SpatialPrefixTreeFactory which you can use 
outright or borrow the code it uses.

Looking at your code, I see you are coding against Solr directly in Java 
instead of where most people do this as an HTTP web service.  But it's unclear 
in what context your code runs because you are getting into the guts of things 
that you normally don't have to do, even if your using SolrJ or writing some 
sort of UpdateRequestProcessor.  Simply configure the field type in schema.xml 
appropriately, and then to index a point simply give Solr a string for the 
field in "latitude, longitude" format.  I don't know why you are using 
field.tokenStream(analyzer) for the field value - that is clearly wrong and the 
cause of the error.  I think your confusion more has to do with differences in 
coding to Lucene versus Solr;  this being an actual spatial concern.  You 
referenced "SpatialDemoUpdateProcessorFactory" so I see you have looked at 
SolrSpatialSandbox on GitHub.  That particular URP should get some warnings 
added to it in the code to suggest that you probably should do what it does.  
If you look at the solrconfig.xml that configures it, there is a warning as 
  <!-- spatial
   Only needed for an SpatialDemoUpdateProcessorFactory which copies  spatial 
objects from one field
    to other spatial fields in object form to avoid redundant/inefficient 
string to spatial object de-serialization.
Even if you have a similar circumstance, you're code doesn't quite look like 
this URP.  You shouldn't need to reference the SpatialStrategy, for example.

~ David

From: <Beale>, "Jim (US-KOP)" <jim.be...@hibu.com<mailto:jim.be...@hibu.com>>
Date: Friday, January 10, 2014 at 12:15 PM
To: "solr-user@lucene.apache.org<mailto:solr-user@lucene.apache.org>" 
Cc: "Smiley, David W." <dsmi...@mitre.org<mailto:dsmi...@mitre.org>>
Subject: Indexing spatial fields into SolrCloud (HTTP)

I am porting an application from Lucene to Solr which makes use of spatial4j 
for distance searches.  The Lucene version works correctly but I am having a 
problem getting the Solr version to work in the same way.

Lucene version:

SpatialContext geoSpatialCtx = SpatialContext.GEO;

       geoSpatialStrategy = new RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy(new 
                     geoSpatialCtx, GeohashPrefixTree.getMaxLevelsPossible()), 

       Point point = geoSpatialCtx.makePoint(lon, lat);
       for (IndexableField field : 
geoSpatialStrategy.createIndexableFields(point)) {

       //Store the field
       document.add(new StoredField(geoSpatialStrategy.getFieldName(), 

Solr version:

       Point point = geoSpatialCtx.makePoint(lon, lat);
       for (IndexableField field : 
geoSpatialStrategy.createIndexableFields(point)) {
              try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
                     LOGGER.error("Failed to add geo field to Solr index", e);

       // Store the field

The server-side error is as follows:

Caused by: com.spatial4j.core.exception.InvalidShapeException: Unable to read: 

I've seen David Smiley's sample code, specifically the class, 
SpatialDemoUpdateProcessorFactory, but I can't say that I was able to benefit 
from it at all.

What I'm trying to do seems like it should be easy - just to index a point for 
distance searching - but I'm obviously missing something.

Any ideas?

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