Hi Fatima,

I don’t think there’s an actual problem, it just looks like it because the 
program you’re using to look at the JSON makes a different choice for laying 
out the highlighting results than it does for the field values.  

In fact, all the bytes are the same, and in the same order for both the 
“author” field text and the highlighting text, though some space characters are 
ASCII space (U+0020) in one and non-breaking space (U+00A0) in the other.

By the way, I see the same thing as you in my email client (OS X Mail.app).  I 
assume there is a rule shared by our programs about complex layout like this, 
where right-to-left text is mixed with left-to-right text, likely based on the 
proportion of each, that triggers a left-to-right word sequencing instead of 
the expected right-to-left word sequencing.

Anyway, I pulled out the author field and highlighting texts into an HTML 
document and viewed it in my browser (Safari), and both are layed out the same 
(with the exception of the emphasis given the highlighted word):

<p>"author": "د. فيشر السعر",</p>
<p>"highlighting": { "1": { "author": [ "د. <em>فيشر</em> السعر" ] } }</p>


On Feb 6, 2014, at 8:23 AM, Fatima Issawi <issa...@qu.edu.qa> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am getting highlight results in Arabic, but the order of the words are 
> backwards. Querying on that field gives me the correct result, though. Is 
> there are setting I’m missing?
> An extract from an example query from my Solr Console is below:
> {
>  "responseHeader": {
>    "status": 0,
>    "QTime": 1,
>    "params": {
>      "indent": "true",
>      "q": "author:\"فيشر\"",
>      "_": "1391692704242",
>      "hl.simple.pre": "<em>",
>      "hl.simple.post": "</em>",
>      "hl.fl": "author",
>      "wt": "json",
>      "hl": "true"
>    }
>  },
>  "response": {
>    "numFound": 4,
>    "start": 0,
>    "docs": [
>      {
>        "pagenumber": 1,
>        "id": "1",
>        "author": "د. فيشر السعر",
>        "author_s": "د. فيشر السعر",
>        "collector": "فاطمة عيساوي",
>  },
>  "highlighting": {
>    "1": {
>      "author": [
>        "د. <em>فيشر</em> السعر"
>      ]

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