The first question I always is ask is how do you want to query the data - what is the full range of query use cases?

For example, might a customer every want to query across all of their projects?

You didn't say how many customers you must be able to support. This leads to questions about how many customers or projects run on a single Solr server. It sounds like you may require quite a number of Solr servers, each multi-core. And in some cases a single customer might not fit on a single Solr server. SolrCloud might begin to make sense even though it sounds like a single collection would rarely need to be sharded.

You didn't speak at all about HA (High Availability) requirements or replication.

Or about query latency requirements or query load - which can impact replication requirements.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Pisarev, Vitaliy
Sent: Sunday, February 9, 2014 4:22 AM
Subject: Deciding how to correctly use Solr multicore


We are evaluating Solr usage in our organization and have come to the point where we are past the functional tests and are now looking in choosing the best deployment topology. Here are some details about the structure of the problem: The application deals with storing and retrieving artifacts of various types. The artifact are stored in Projects. Each project can have hundreds of thousands of artifacts (total on all types) and our largest customers have hundreds of projects (~300-800) though the vast majority have tens of project (~30-100).

Core granularity
In terms of Core granularity- it seems to me that a core per project is sensible, as pushing everything to a single core will probably be too much. The entities themselves will have a special type field for distinction. Moreover, it may be that not all of the project are active in a given time so this allows their indexes to remain on latent on disk.

Availability and synchronization
Our application is deployed on premise on our customers sites- we cannot go too crazy as to the amount of extra resources we demand from them- e.g. dedicated indexing servers. We pretty much need to make do with what is already there.

For now, we are planning to use the DIH to maintain the index. Each node the cluster on the app will have its own local index. When a project is created (or the feature is enabled on an existing project), a core is created for it on each one of the nodes, a full import is executed and then a delta import is scheduled to run on each one of the nodes. This gives us simplicity but I am wondering about the performance and memory consumption costs? Also, I am wondering whether we should use replication for this purpose. The requirement is for the index to be updated once in 30 seconds - are delta imports design for this?

I understand that this is a very complex problem in general. I tried to highlight all the most significant aspects and will appreciate some initial guidance. Note that we are planning to execute performance and stress testing no matter what but the assumption is that the topology of the solution can be predetermined with the existing data.

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