On 2/12/2014 4:58 PM, shamik wrote:
Thanks a lot Shawn. Changing the appends filtering based on your suggestion
worked. The part which confused me bigtime is the syntax I've been using so
far without an issue (barring the q.op part).

<lst name="appends">
      <str name="fq">Source:"TestHelp" | Source:"downloads" |
-AccessMode:"internal" | -workflowparentid:[* TO *]</str>

This has been working as expected and applies the filter correctly. Just
curious, if its an invalid syntax, how's Solr handling this ?

Honestly, I can't really say what's going on here. After I got this, I tried some example queries like that and they do seem to be parsed right. You could try adding turning on debugQuery for the query that doesn't work and see if you can see what the problem is. I had never seen a query syntax with "|" in it before. The other syntax is a little more explicit, though.


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